
Cafes, Restaurants & Desserts

Weekdays: 11AM to 10PM
Weekends: 11AM to 10PM
Floor: Ground Floor

About Starbucks

Starbucks is a brand that has become synonymous with premium coffee, a comfortable atmosphere, and innovative marketing.

Starbucks is a renowned coffeehouse chain that was founded in Seattle, Washington in 1971. Today, it has become a global brand with thousands of outlets worldwide. The company is known for its premium coffee blends, friendly atmosphere, and innovative marketing strategies. 

One of the reasons for Starbucks’ success is its emphasis on quality. The company sources its coffee beans from some of the best farms in the world and has strict quality control measures in place to ensure consistency. It also offers a wide range of beverages, including teas, hot chocolates, and smoothies, to cater to a diverse customer base.

Another factor that sets Starbucks apart is its commitment to creating a welcoming environment. The stores are designed to be comfortable and inviting, with cosy seating areas and relaxing music. Starbucks has also become a popular spot for remote workers and students, who appreciate the free Wi-Fi and ample electrical outlets.

In addition to its commitment to quality, atmosphere, and marketing, Starbucks has also been recognised for its ethical and sustainable practices. The brand has a comprehensive set of guidelines in place to ensure that its coffee beans are ethically sourced and that its stores are environmentally responsible.

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